Nowadays, many factors cause hair loss. These factors include genetics, diet, and stress. For some men, their hair loss will result in complete baldness. Others will lose most of their hair but still have some hair left on their heads.
Those completely bald might think it is too late to try hair systems. They think they don’t have any donor hairs left to use for the procedure, but there are many options available.

Hair systems are most effective when performed on patients still in the early stages of hair loss. The earlier the procedure is performed, the more natural-looking and permanent the results will be.
The best candidates for hair systems are those who experience male-pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. These types of hair loss result in a distinctive pattern of receding hairlines and bald spots. You can easily address such issues with hair systems.
Some hair loss conditions do not produce a pattern of receding hairlines or bald spots that can be easily addressed with a hair transplant. For example, patients who experience diffuse thinning may not be good candidates for this procedure because the results will not be ideal.
Are Hair Systems Effective?
Also referred to as “hairpieces,” hair systems essentially cover areas of your head that suffer from thinning or bald spots. They consist of real human hair (or faux human hair) and a base attached to your scalp. Some may look like wigs, but others are adapted to blend in with your existing hair.
It can be easy to hide with the right cut and styling techniques for those who have experienced thinning or baldness on the top or back of their head.
The biggest reason people are turning to hair systems is because of the price. It can be cheaper to get a hair system than a transplant, even if you have coverage through your health insurance. This can make a difference in how much it costs to get your looks and confidence back. In addition, you might want to consider how much it costs overtime to maintain the hair system and compare it to the cost of transplant procedures every few years.
The other reason people are turning towards more temporary options is because of how natural they look. You can get a hair system that looks just like real hair, and no one will ever know it isn't yours unless you tell them. Many celebrities who have extensive balding issues turn to these systems instead of getting surgery.
A hair system is a cosmetic procedure in which hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the body to another, which has become increasingly popular with both men and women. Previously reserved for hair loss and baldness treatment, the procedure is now used for other purposes by younger people who want thicker hair and more style.
Hair transplants were seen as something only older men did in the past. However, today's celebrities are changing that image by publicising their surgeries and promoting them as a way to look better than ever before.